The regimental journal of Colonel James J. Clarkson, 5th Infantry Regiment, 8th Division, Missouri State Guard, contains muster rolls and journal entries from June 26 through December 26, 1861. The following are the entries from September 18, 19, 20, 1861 concerning the Battle of Lexington, Missouri.
Sept. 18th The heavy fight commence we surrounded the fortifycation
of the enemy and Saluted them with our biggest guns
a heavy cannonading was kept up all day and nearly
all night.
Sept. 19th The fight opened afresh early in the morning and
continued all day and all night as before-The muskets
doing heavy work a great portion of the time.
Sept. 20th We will approach their fortifycation and pressed them
harder & harder until four oclock PM when our fire
became so heavy & distructive that they were com-
pelled to run up the white flag and uncondition-
ally surrender. O. then the hearts of the Southern
boys leaped for joy and we all shouted victory.
This was indeed a proud victory for the South.
We Captured
3500 Muskets & Rifles
1200 Sabres
2400 Holster Pistols
78 Sharps rifles
1000 Saddles & bridles
72 Horses
2 Six pound guns
2 Twelve pound howtsers
2 Morters
Our loss in
Killed 42
Wounded 37
The Loss of the enemy in
Killed 174
Wounded 236
The above report is not full.
These statistics show a great & glorious victory.
Image Courtesy Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield; WICR 32400